Abortion Law in Zimbabwe…

I recently discovered that it is still difficult for people, even fellow women, to understand and accept that postpartum depression is real. I found myself having to explain mental health issues and how women who just gave birth are easily affected and how sometimes they do not even know. I wanted them to understand because I thought it was as easy as ABC, but i guess its not after all. In a country where people still think depression is just “attention seeking”, would you think we will ever understand something as big as abortion??

In Zimbabwe there’s an act of Parliament that states out the grounds in which pregnancy can be terminated. Termination of Pregnancy Act which was authorized in 1977 under the Rhodesian government later on retained but the Zimbabwean government after independence. This Act expresses that Termination of pregnancy in Zimbabwe is accessible under restricted conditions. There are three conditions in which a pregnancy can be terminated.

The conditions are as follows÷

(i) the law allows abortion if the pregnancy imperils the existence of the woman or shows signs of future harm to her health. For instance, say the fetus moves into the tubes and one of the tubes burst and the woman is at risk, in this situation it is permitted to save the woman and eliminate the unborn child, however under the condition that two registered medical practitioners should initially affirm that termination is important. Knowing the situation in Zimbabwe, this might take ages and the lady will still be in a state of pain.

(ii) the law allows abortion if the kid might brought into the world with physical or mental imperfections.

(iii) the law allows abortion if the child was convinced as a result of rape or incest.

In any case, there’s an issue with number (iii), it states that abortion is allowed if the child was convinced through rape, meaning it only applies to everyone else except married women. That is to say, if a lady in marriage is raped by her own significant other and it results in pregnancy that wasn’t planned for, and she feels she doesn’t want the child, she’s still not allowed to abort because the law doesn’t allow it.

Section 48 subsection 3 of the Zimbabwean Constitution expresses that, “An act of Parliament should protect the existence of unborn children, and that Act should give that act pregnancy maybe terminated as per the law”. In this way there are grounds where pregnancy can legitimately be terminated. The Termination of pregnancy act expresses that pregnancy must be terminated by two registered medical professionals who are not from the same medical institute and at an assigned medical institute. It additionally expresses that abortion must be carried out given that the individual who need to go through the procedure has a written consent from the police and certified by a magistrate. If only we could get rid of these ridiculous regulations. How many days will it take for one to get the certified consent letter? And until then one will still be pregnant right? Is that not an inconvenience on its own

Now it is urgent to take note that there are no extraordinary or explicit establishments that explicitly offer post abortion care in Zimbabwe. Abortion isn’t an urgent matter in Zimbabwe and so is PAC though women are dying everyday. Abortion isn’t dealt like some other medical issues coz it seems its not as important

Just like this act shows only disdain for the ladies in the country and leaves one pondering the mental soundness of our representatives in the Parliament. What you dont disagree with, you certainly agree with. Does this mean our female representatives are FOR anti abortion?

Cases rise everyday. Women will continue dying if abortion is not legalized and that is a fact!

According to UNICEF 2005, genuinely, around 70000 illegal abortions happen in Zimbabwe every year. Though the public authority gauges in 2017, shows that in excess of 80000 illegal abortions happen each year coming to about 20000 martenal deaths of which 16% of these martenal deaths are young women. Most illegal abortions by adolescent mothers happen in rural areas, however unlawful abortion also happen in the city through registered medical professionals understand unlawful circumstances. More than 100 ladies each month look for post abortion care at local hospitals, which means around 3-4 ladies seek post abortion care day by day.

It is also crucial to note that its only in hospitals and not clinics that issues of abortions are only allowed to be dealt with. Women in the rural areas rarely have access to hospital facilities as clinics are the only medical facilities that they have close to them. In this situation would you think one would opt to travel from their ward to the nearest hospital or they will end up opting for unsafe abortion?

I keep saying this, the issue of abortion is being handled by the wrong people in this country. The issue of abortion should be left to the individuals concerned, which are women!!!!!




A Few Reason Why Abortion Should Be Legal

When I think of how much it is difficult being an African woman, I shiver. Then I think of how nightmarishly difficult it is to make decisions about your own body as women in a continent where men think; just because they pay lobola for women they have rights over them and every decision they make. It is even scarier if the government doesn’t allow women to make decisions about their bodies when they feel it is not favorable for them to have kids at a certain time.

Some decisions may be hard to make but they have to be made.

In a world where women are already underrepresented, violated, raped and castigated on a daily basis, the only thing that the African governments should at least consider is allow them to do freely, is give them the rights to abort when they see it right. No everyone wants kids and not everyone dislikes them but it should be up to a woman when and at what age they would want to have kids without being forced into it by circumstances and laws.

Abortion should not be suggested by the guy who got you pregnant or any thirds party, it is not their position. The issue of abortion should be ones decision without being pressurized into it. We do not want issues of having to regret later because one was pressurized by a guy who was not ready to face his responsibilities.

Here are some of the few reasons I think abortion should be legal;

Why abortion should be legal;

At the top of it all, Abortion is about allowing woman the right to make choices about their bodies, when they want to have kids in relation to their age, financial status and relationship status. As much as we are governed by the government, it has no right whatsoever to dictate on peoples bodies.

You cant ban abortion. You can only ban safe abortionrohibiting abortion will not stop abortions; women would simply seek abortions via illegal means which are unsafe and illegal so it is better to provide women with safe and legal ways to do the abortions for economic reasons and so as not to burden an already dead healthcare system.

Women are dying everyday trying to abort

Raising a child is a full time job and a lifelong commitment and requires a social, emotional and mostly mental preparedness coupled with financial resources. It is not something that you just wake up one day and decide to enter into. Therefore if a person feels they are not in all those categories then it totally means the pregnancy is unwanted and keeping will only be a burden to both the child as the mother will not give the child the love and stability that the child needs

Legalizing abortion will help in preventing children having to take care of children. Forcing them to have kids just because they got pregnant at a young age will make them consider unsafe abortion which might lead them to death or permanent health defects or dependency.

The argument against abortion is a moral argument which is subjected to personal interpretation so it should never be legislated against. If one feels they do not believe in abortion then by all means don’t, but let those who believe in it be.

Scientifically and legally a fetus is not a human being or person so it cannot be ruled as murder. Because the person is not alive

Abortions prevent unwanted pregnancies which prevent child neglect and save the government resources because or social welfare to be precise from having to take care of unwanted kids

Making abortion illegal is more or less compulsory pregnancy which contradicts the quest and fight for freedom. Not everyone wants to have kids!

It is a woman’s right to choose to have or not to have a child and there shouldn’t be questions asked about that. When one starts doubting if they should carry on with the pregnancy it means they are not ready and therefore should be given the opportunity to abort if there be need to.

The anti abortion position is usually based on religious beliefs and threatens the vital separation of church and state. Religious ideology should not be a foundation for law.

If only the government could do the right thing and legalize abortion before we loose more lives! #legalizeAbortion

Lets Talk About Abortion

For a long time I have considering writing a proposition about abortion. When I began exploring on abortion I’ve learnt a lot to such an extent that I wish I had similar information available to me when I got pregnant. Presently I really feel like each lady, in a marriage or not, they ought to have the chance to pick what is appropriate for themselves without obstruction by outsiders. There should be a section in the hospital that schools a women the advantages and disadvantages of keeping a child or aborting so that they make an informed decision. What I know is that in Zimbabwe and most African nations, abortion is illicit however that doesn’t mean it’s anything but occurring.

It is dismal to realize that in this time most African government actually choose to politicize the issue of abortion when such countless ladies are passing on while attempting to get rid of undesirable pregnancies. We have such countless unwanted pregnancies everyday thus numerous illicit abortions, on the grounds that solitary they know the reasons they would prefer not to keep those children and there ought to never be questions regarding that!

I generally say this; Choices that are made FOR ladies are being made by men who have never been in a circumstance that ladies experienced.

What is abortion?

Abortion is the removal of pregnancy tissue, results of origination or embryo and placenta from the uterus so it doesn’t bring about the introduction of a kid. Abortion is now and then alluded to termination of pregnancy. Pregnancy is ended by either taking medication or having a surgical procedure. Medically, losing a fetus, under any circumstance, before it can get by outside the belly, is classified as abortion.

Abortions are legitimate all through a significant part of the world, yet laws differ. Such laws range from fetus removal being uninhibitedly accessible on demand, to guidelines or limitations of different sorts, to altogether disallowance in all conditions.

It is still a controversial issue amongst many societies which differ from religious, moral, ethical, practical and political grounds. Though it has been banned and limited by law in many jurisdictions, abortion still continues to be common in many areas, even where it is illegal.

According to World Health Organization, abortion rates are similar in countries where the procedure is legal and in countries where it is illegal due to unavailability of modern contraceptives in areas where abortion is illegal.

About 61 countries, including much of Europe, allow abortions without any restrictions. 26 countries banned abortions altogether, with no exceptions. The remaining countries allow abortions with restrictions, such as save the mother’s live or protection of her health.

In the United States abortion is only legal in the first and second trimester of the pregnancy (first trimester refers to the first 12 weeks of the pregnancy). Whereas in Africa countries like Angola, Congo Brazzaville, Congo Kinshasa, Gabon, Guinea-Bissau, Madagascar, Mauritania, Sao Tome, and Senegal prohibited abortion altogether with no explicit legal exceptions. Cote d’Ivoire, Libya, Malawi, Mali, Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda abortion is only legal in cases where they have to save the life of the woman.

Our Zimbabwe falls under the category, to save life of woman/preserve physical health, with other African countries like, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Chad, Togo, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho, Morocco and Equatorial Guinea.

The issue of abortions is far more important than most can ever know. I’ve seen a lot of people trying to drag in morals and religion whenever the issue is brought up but we all forget that morals and religion are personal and can be interpreted on a personal level and what one chooses is their choice.

I aspire to do more research on this topic and learn more and also teach those that still think it is a sin to decide to abort. There is so much to learn out there and we all should be open minded and try to at least give chance to everything so we are not blinded.

So join me on a journey that will lead to a movement towards the legalization of Abortion in Zimbabwe. I do not just seek to witness the day when it’s legalized but also see the country offer health facilities to cater go those that would want to go with the process.


Of Being A Mum and Learning Patience!

I think I’ve lost touch with everything. I am forever busy doing something for my child. Everything now is all about my child. I sometimes forget i own a phone coz im busy playing with her. But in all of this, I’ve learnt something! PATIENCE!!

Being a mum has taught me patience. Being a mum to Lemon had taught me to give people time to develop. She takes her time to get to the next stage and i really have learnt to be okay with it. My parents were patient with me coz i was a bed wetter. I wasn’t even shy about the whole thing 😂. So i told myself, as patient as they were, so i will be. PATIENCE IS WHEN YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO GET MAD BUT YOU CHOOSE TO UNDERSTAND!! May you forever choose to understand that your kid needs time.

If you are living in a community where your kid is surrounded by many kids who are the same age as her/him, others even younger but are developing way quicker than your child, you start feeling some typa way. You start worrying about your own kid. It’s understandable coz we are human after all. But what you need to know is people are different and they develop differently. Different pace too. Your kid is YOUR kid. Their Kid is theirs, there’s a difference there. Allow him/her to move on his/her own pace coz we’re never the same.

I was talking to one of my friends, Nya who has been there for me through and through btw😊, and she was saying, Kids are born with confidence but we kill it for them. That is the whole truth nothing else but the truth. It all starts when they are as young as Lemz and you so want her to walk because Ru from next door who is 6 months younger than her is already walking. Then when she’s in grade 4 when you want her to be in the top 5 because your other friends son is in the top 3. Then you start comparing them to other kids killing their confidence along the way. Let your kid be your kid. I understand we all want everything thats good for our kids. But ever care to stop and think that even finger prints, none are the same and so is everything about a person? Choose not to be controlled by other people’s progress. Choose to remain calm when it comes to issues to do with your child.

I remember when i shared that Lemon was begining to ask, not verbally but just using her hand (that small ndipoo she does), i was told to beat her. Me? Beat her? Lol no way. She’s even too young to understand that what she is doing is wrong. Will she even understand why she’s being beaten. People are quick to jump onto some ‘beat her/him’ but for what though. If its potty training, continue teaching him/her with patience he/she will get the hang of it one day. If we were to beat them everyday just because they don’t understand that they should poop in the potty, we would kill them surely.

All i know is we learn things as we grow. Allow them to learn. Whether they take time or not just let them learn. If they are slow, so what? Who cares. Just be patient as a mother coz only your patient will teach your child to be a confident person.


In Those Bad Days, The Sun Will Shine For A Few Minutes!

          Putting  on a brave face and  acting like all is fine whilst everything is a hailstorm in your life is the hardest pill I learnt to swallow this year.

Shoutout to all those mamas with more than two kids. Yall are my heroes!!! Going back there for the 2nd or 3rd time without thinking twice? How do you even do that? I guess it differs coz theres the pain that ya’ll told me about, and then there’s the pain I experienced! Big difference there. I felt the pain for the whole country and I swore. I swore that if you ever see me pregnant again please forcefully drag me to a shrine (masowe/renje) and let the madzibaba (apostle) baptize me with buckets of water nonstop (magate). Labor is not for the faint hearted, I am fainted hearted, faint hearted is me! Labor is not for me finishi!

Labor will have you feeling:

After 9 months of everything pregnancy related and more and 16 hours of labor Hun came out looking like someone else. How disrespectful is that? I mean the least she could have done after causing me all that pain was to come out looking like me right. That’s the human thing to do, being grateful!

So when I got pregnant things were not as rosy like they make us believe. Things started turning upside down. My partner switched up on me and even did the most. The unexplainable! I was lost and confused. I even entertained the idea of abortion even if I had asked God for this gift. Crying was a waste of time. What was there to cry for when the person you thought was going to hold your hand in times like these was the very same person who was treating you like trash? When the person who made you believe you were in it together, was turning out to be Satan’s toenail. So many lessons were learnt during that time. Lessons never to forget! As if that wasn’t enough, depression creped in but I found peace in talking to my unborn baby. Whenever I felt like I was about to go crazy I would put my hand on my tummy and talk to Lemon. Oh and the name Lemon was found because I thought life bitter just like a lemon.

Lemons are bitter and so is life, but the child that God gave is beautiful and the nickname doesn’t suit her🤭 but well its stuck

I wrote this when i gave birth and that was about 8months ago and didn’t have the strength to post it but now just a few days ago i saw on Facebook post about a lady who is going through what i went through and people getting judgy. Someone in the comments section said “why is a 25year old crying that she was impregnated”. Lol. I laughed because I was 30 when I was switched up on 🤣🤣. Did i not cry? Yes i did! Everyday for 8 good months. Infact I had crying sessions. I just didn’t go on facebook with screenshots and tagging him. But im sure sis is grieving and that’s her way to cope so she’s allowed to. That comment got me angry. I dont comment on facebook but i had to school this one person. People are stupid for no reason shuu. Anyways, that post made me post this, i was never going to but it might help someone, or on but what the heck

It’s in those bad days that you find the strength to pray ten times harder than you ever did. It’s in those sad moments that you blame yourself and wish you had done things differently maybe it would have turned out better. It’s in those difficult times that you cry nonstop, in bed, whilst walking, when you pray or when a little bit of sunshine shows up on your window. It’s in those difficult times that you question God. It’s in those bad times that you wish you had never met some people. But hey, we live and we learn and God puts us in certain situations because he knows we will pull through. Certain people are sent to us as a lesson dressed in ripped jeans and ngaibake shirts.

The devil 😈 walked into my life dressed proper and i fell for it

First trimester was the most difficult coz I had no one to talk to. I couldn’t tell anyone. All I did was cry. Smallest things made me cry. Lol I remember the day I broke my mason jar. The way I cried! That’s how much I was affected.  I even cried that a dog died. I just wanted to let it all out but didn’t know how to so I found comfort in just crying because of the smallest things. For the first time in my life I cried whilst watching a movie. How crazy!!!! My daily prayer was “DEAR LORD, WHEN MY LIPS NO LONGER KNOW WHAT TO ASK FOR IN PRAYER, PLEASE HEAR MY HEART”. Because the heart was heavy, it always ended in tears.  I guess their internet  statement applies after all.

First month of my second trimester I had no tears but was boiling inside. I had no money to register even at a local clinic! The only other time I wished I had used protection. But in the 2nd month of my second trimester, I was warming up to the idea that I was in this alone and had to be the woman that my mum raised me to be. I had bonded with my child and the thought of abortion had left. I was beginning to be thankful of the gift that God had given me. I was thankful but still Nappies, diapers, baby clothes, etc were expensive for my broke ass. I legit thought I was going to give birth with nothing. But the universe had its own plans. GOD HAS GREATER PLANS FOR ALL HIS CHILDREN!!!!!

When you find yourself in a situation and you’re choosy it means it’s a Rich people kinda problem. I was 5months pregnant and had to work as a part time maid for a certain family in Eastlea. The madam boss only knew of my pregnancy the day I left because I told her otherwise she wouldn’t have known.  With a terrible backache, I woke up every day at 5:30am to sweep the house which usually took about an hour and a half of my time, then the yard which took about 45mins and washed. Mind this was all done before breakfast. I only had to eat after I finished. For a preggy, this was not the best experience ever but I had to endure. I remember one day, it rained but I was still required to wash. OUTSIDE! With cold water! I cried and wished I had died. I wished all this had not happened, I know that was mean of me but to my defense, I was going through a rough patch.

Putting on a brave face whilst everything is a hailstorm is the biggest lesson I’ve learnt that time. That moment when you have to pretend that you are okay but deep down you just want to curl back into your mama’s womb. In all this I always showed up and smiled throughout. If you didn’t know, you wouldn’t have figured out that all was not well because I never showed it.

Being switched up on has to be the most difficult situation a pregnant person can face. No one deserves to ever go through that! But realizing and accepting sooner than later that you will be riding solo is better than having to rely on an incompetent co-parent and hurting you and the child in the process. Going for antenatal, scans and doctor’s visits alone will sano prepare you for when you have to make decisions for the both of you. WARNING SIGN: LONG ROAD AHEAD!

Buckle up!

So to all my mamas who have been switched up on, to all my girlies in a sticky situation, to all my hustler ladies having bad days, to all my friend ladies who are on the edge of breaking down, just know that it will be hard for a while. Its not going to be a walk in the park. But you will come out alive and better than you were before. You will conquer. You will rise because you, i mean YOU, are a champion. You are the child of the Most High God. Do not let bad people put you down forever. But in all this, remember to cry. Cry to let it all out. Cry because you dont want to find yourself crying at a grocery store whilst looking for milk.

Anywhooo, life gets better! Lovie if you been in a situation, do you not worry, God will see you through. You will see the light at the end. But remember, in those bad day, the sun will shine for a few minutes. Rejoice!

You still think its not real?

Yesterday as we were doing our jello shots delivery we talked about depression and triggers. Today on Star fm Nicki was talking about the same issue and how most people still do not understand depression. How people still think that a depressed person is an attention seeking human being. If you’ve never been in that situation, i swear you would ever understand.

I can only imagine what people with depression and anxiety went through during lockdown *sad face imoji*. Personally I went through hell. Infact that was my first time ever admitting i had depression. Someone said most African women do not know they are going through depression because they don’t even know what that is. Our African society has led us to believe that depression is a Western disease or is for rich people. How sad is that because most of our relatives and friends are suffering from it but are afraid to speak up because they will be castigated.

Have you ever spent a night thinking? Ever spent a night tossing and turning because things aint right? Ever spent a day sighing because nomatter how you add, subtract, divide or multiply the answer doesnt seem to come out right? Ever? Coz i have! Heavily pregnant for that matter. I had never felt so confused in my life. Even crying wouldn’t help at that point but i still did because it was too much for me. I felt its all i could do.

When BBC World reported that Zimbabwe had recorded the death of 7 infants in one night at one of the biggest referral hospitals in the country, it did not sit well with me. At nine months you don’t want to hear such news. If anything, you don’t even want to hear about death because giving birth is a matter of life and death on itself. Then nurses and Doctors started striking (cant blame them). My breakdown came when local clinics started shutting down!

I really was scared for myself and the child i was carrying. Things were not looking good

As if that wasn’t enough, people came to me on a daily basis asking what i was going to do? Asked if i had heard about a lady who gave birth at the local clinic gate and the baby died? African relatives should just learn to refrain from stressing a pregnant woman. Give that person a break! She’s already going through a lot why you tryna top that up?

Closing down of hospitals gave a lot of people anxiety!

With all that was happening you think a pregnant person would be okay okay, with nothing to worry about? I don’t think so! Coz i was a pregnant person. Pregnant person was me and i witnessed it all. Right in front of me. What really scared me the most was it happened closer to home. Someone close lost their baby because the nurses did not attend to her because they were on strike. I blame the government honestly. Anyway im thankful to have delivered safely and had my beautiful baby girl.

So tell me, what was your lockdown experience like? What did the lockdown teach you? Do you still think depressed people are fake? Whats your definition of anxiety? Have you ever lived with a depressed person?

Send me your responses. I will be waiting. I know it had been long since i last posted but forgive me, i was pregnant the whole of 2020. And was busy with the child but now im here. With my Mixed Feelings, lets play together- ciao

Johnny Walker: Zimbabwe’s version of Amapiano…

Two Zimbabwean creatives teamed up and got down to business on an Amapiano project. Yes you heard that right. Zimbabwe’s very own version of Amapiano. Dubbed Johnny Walker, who wouldn’t be excited?

A 24 year old Zimbabwean born artist, Blessing Kumbirai Gandawa, affectionately known as Kumbie teamed up with a renowned producer, Pro Sounds to work on this amazing project. Pro Sounds, who is now based in China is not new in the music circles. He has worked with big names such as Garry Mapanzure, Stunner and Crooger. He turned up the heat high this time when he decided to bring together a vibrant rhythm, which has been making people go wild in clubs, and a very soulful voice. Talk of classic moves! Isn’t this what we all needed during these difficult times? Amapiano to cheer us all up!

24 year old Kumbie has shown a profound artistic flair in both visual and performing arts. Her passion for arts is rooted in a deep Afrocentric culture that reflects much in her work that has managed to grab the attention of people from different spheres of life.

The Amapiano vibe was inspired by the already trending South African beat which has thrown the country into a frenzy, if not continent. The beat has been making waves on several South African radio stations and across Southern Africa. It has become a household beat. Our very own version was long overdue. Coupled with and Afro-Jazz instrumental, the track has an upbeat bass tempo that just speaks that is very rhythmic. Kumbie, a songwriter herself, has simple but arty sing-along lyrics that make such subtle references to the Johnny Walker whisky, hence the title. This all adds up to the atmosphere of a great house party feel. Since we’re on lockdown, we need such energy.

The corona virus outbreak has brought on such a monotonous and dreary feel to the world through a daily life of routine due to quarantine. There has been quite a lapse in the musical circles and the gap has been filled only in part by the hashtag type of entertainment through social media platforms. “Johnny Walker” steps onto the scene just at the right time to open the floor to a fun dance challenge with the hashtag #JohnnyWalkerChallange. This energetic dance routine was choreographed by the internationally recognized and multi award winning Zimbabwean choreographer, John Cole. The challenge is open to all dancers.

To all those who can move their bodies well and are confident enough, you can record your videos and post them online and include the hashtag #JohnnyWalkerChallange and tag Kumbie, John Cole and Pro Sounds on Facebook and Instagram. Happy challenge yall💕

Diaries Of A Single pregnant woman

Hello lovers. You’re back again to read my nonsense stuff about pregnancy? Wow, you’re so loyal! You’re the real deal. Thank you


So i got ask you, why am i supposed to sleep on my left side? Is it mandatory? If i don’t what will happen? Should i be worried that i cant sleep on my left side? I mean i need answers so i weigh the importance. If its so important i will ask my people to strap me on the bed.


Mum said if i don’t eat i will give birth to a child that’s not normal *sad face imoji*. Honestly that scared me and i started eating, now im almost 80kgs *crying face imoji*. I hate gaining weight honestly. I’ve never been an 80 in my entire life.


This is the day i saw the faint light. Who knew a grown woman like me would cry because of a toothache? Oh yes i did cry. I honestly thought i was going to die today. Got a taste of what labour will be like. If a toothache made me cry, what more labour? I don’t know if im ready. The way i was going up and down this house *laughs in toothache pain*. I didn’t bath! That’s obvious coz i didn’t have time for less important things like bathing. Trust me this single parenting is not doing. At least if i had a baby dady i would have someone to blame. Never do this artificial insemination thing y’all. Its a scam!

Oh, what are friends for if they dont give you home remedies when you’re not okay? One home told me to swallow urine. Yes urine! I didn’t consider it at first but that was before the pain escalated from 12-147 in 10 minutes. Don’t judge me, i was in pain. Then another homie said soda would do. Boy, did i not finish a whole sachet of bicarbonate soda? Another homie came in and said black jack will work instantly. Chew it! All this drama and its not even 12! Im asking myself if i will survive the day lol. Only my mum came in and said only paracetamol will help coz it can’t be removed when im like this.

All i can say is the devil got a lot of recruits in this cowntry! They are working overtime too.


I promised myself last week that i would add more stuff this week and i did. Guess what i bought today? Bathing towel! Yes that’s all. Pampers are now 700, and me Roza, ordinary Roza can’t afford such. Im going for nappies. Im also accepting donations fam. Im humbling myself.


Where does all this gas come from? Im soooo gassy its scary. But im no fool. Im not keeping all that gas in. I let it out. All of it. I cant have a thousand troubles in one goal. I feel relieved whenever i let it out lol. Like i just emptied out a bag of dirty stuff.


Honestly i can’t wait for December. 31 December to be precise. But first off i have to offload for my 31 December to be lit. December is my birth month and 31 December we all thank the year pointing out what it gave us right? This year i will have something to say God willing (i never have anything except for life which im thankful of every

Diaries Of A Single Pregnant Person

This should be interesting, but its not! They said pregnancy is the most exciting time of your life. Were they lying? Who knows? But one thing i will tell you is, married or single, DO NOT GET PREGNANT !!! *laughs in pregnancy* Its a lot i tell you. But i am thankful i dont get to vomit like everyone else. Morning sickness is not my things!

I dont know if it is a boy or a girl, as long as its a healthy baby! That’s all i care about. So i am going in all neutral. Colours and all. Grey mostly.

This child is a gangsta i tell you. Does not make me selective at all. We eat everything and anything all day everyday. Lol speaking of everything, i don’t eat derere/okra/delele at all, pregnant or not but one of these days i felt like i should try it coz you never know. Pregnancy will make you do the craziest things you know. So i had three gulps of okra. Surprisingly i managed to swallow it (which has never happened before). 10 minutes down the line i was vomiting it all. I couldn’t eat anything the whole day coz there was something slippery on my throat *sad face imoji*. I didn’t like this experience at all..

So we’re almost there. We’re in our Third Trimester. We’re so used to each other now. Have had some talks (me doing the talking) . Have had bonding sessions. Its been a journey so far. I can conclude we love each other dearly.

We went for Antenatal just a few days ago and i mentioned i was single. All those ladies looked at me with THAT eye *rolls my eyes*. I mean in the 21st century people still think one should be married to get pregnant? Wow. Then the questions started flying from all sides. How im pregnant and single. Where the dady at? Lol incase anyone is wondering also here, Lemon is a result of artificial insemination. Yes! That’s it. Aint no guy/dady in the picture. Its just Lemz and me against yall suckers lol.

Also this week i bought a few things in preparation of Lemon’s arrival. By a few things i mean Five Pairs of baby socks. Yes that’s all. Times are hard in Zimbabwe. Can you believe they are charging $1 for a pair of socks? I mean One whole USD for a mere pair or baby socks? I was shook. Im not sure i will have enough stuff by the time Lemz arrives but well.. Anyway i promise to buy a “Few more stuff”. By next week’s few more stuff i mean a bucket. Lol

Cravings! I will talk about these in my next post lol. Just promise you will support my silly cravings. Last week i had Sour milk and biscuits lol.

Too much right? I know! Lemmi go make more mistakes. We live and we learn. Who am i to escape lessons. Until we give birth, cheers 💕